Creative Fabrica

Octopus Crochet Pattern

Score von 3.0 basierend auf 2 Bewertungen

Über Octopus Crochet Pattern Grafik

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Octopus Crochet Pattern
New design and a new favorite of the collection, I have loved the final result and they have already asked me to do several of them. It is ideal for the children’s room and I assure you that they will love to play with it. Also, we adults love it, and I include myself because I fell in love with the final result. Do you also want to do yours?
The finished dimensions are approximately 30 cm. The size may vary depending on the size of the needle and thread.
The implementation of this project is easy to follow with this manual. Contains 12 pages of well-detailed step-by-step instructions and over 50 helpful photos.

The required knowledge is:
magic ring
chain stitch
single crochet
dwarf / slipped point
double crochet

Required materials:
2.5mm crochet
Wool of different colors: Grey, white, pink and yellow
plastic eyes

This is a PDF INSTRUCTION, NOT the finished product.
The manual can NOT be sold, published, exchanged, given away, or transmitted, even in translated form.

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3.0 2 Bewertungen

November 15, 2023

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Hello, first I would like to thank the CF support team for the response of my complaint. I had a troubleshoot downloading this project. They reached me out and now I have this awesome octopus 🐙 crochet pattern downloaded and I really loved it.

Clarrisa Wells

August 3, 2023

Verifizierter Einkäufer

Really cute pattern, but file will not open when downloaded (says I don’t have permission to view file).

Ternuraamigurumis Profilbild

August 3, 2023


Hello! Sorry to hear that...😥 I was checking and I don't see any purchases with your name. Maybe it's not up to date. But once the purchase is made or if you have a subscription you can download it without problem. I just downloaded the file and everything is fine. If you have an active subscription and you still have the problem, please consult Creative Fabrica support. Hopefully you can download it correctly and value my work again!!!💖🥰


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Octopus Crochet Pattern
Octopus Crochet Pattern