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How to Create Branding Identity Through a Logo

How to Create Branding Identity Through a Logo imagen principal del artículo
Publicado el April 28, 2022 por Khrystyna Andrukh

Brand identity is a well-known term, which, surprisingly, not everybody is familiar with – the meaning of the term is very often interpreted wrong. Building a respectable image for a brand is similar to making a sustainable reputation. Once a company has gained its stature, almost everybody around the world can recognize it by just looking at its logo. However, keep in mind that one can’t spend 10 minutes on choosing or designing a new logo and expect your audience to suddenly buy out all your stock. This is not how business works.

Like any other business process, building a brand name takes months and even years; it requires a thorough strategy that consists of multiple components. One foundation of success is the business’ visual part – its logo, color palette, and design. Choosing these attributes wisely can give great results and bring many clients. Therefore, today we would like to address how to create a branding identity through a logo. A user-friendly free logo maker will help us complete our mission.

What is Brand Identity?

One could think of the brand name as a secret ingredient or a special recipe — whoever owns it is different from everybody else within that market’s segment. Brand identity consists of visible elements such as color palette, design, and brand logo. These factors determine your company’s UTP and create an image in the minds of consumers. Simply put, brand identity is how you, your customers, and potential buyers see the company.

Reasons for Creating a Brand Identity

Structuring a brand image is extremely important, as it conveys the philosophy and beliefs of the company to everyone around it. A poor visual identity can present the wrong image and damage its corporate reputation. Conversely, a strong visual identity helps create a solid and coherent image. Today, when communication is especially important, companies should strive to control what they project.

Make an Impression – Make a Logo

Although there are a few ways to convey a certain meaning, the logo is one of the easiest tools to do so. This element is present in almost every interaction that customers have with your product, which makes the impact on the brand’s perception significant. Based on the projected image, customers will decide either in favor or against the business.

Creating the logo itself isn’t the hardest part – the process is quite straightforward, and one can easily do it in a few hours with the help of an online free logo maker. The most difficult part of crafting an effective logo is the amount of work you need to do beforehand.

Using the Logo to Build Brand Image

1. Determine Your Long-Term Strategy

Any logo that you create will act as a pillar on which your brand stands. As such, it is crucial to determine the brand’s identity at the beginning. If you’re not sure how to do it, try answering a few questions that will help you understand the business mission, vision, and goals:

  • What is your company doing?
  • Why is it choosing to do so?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • Where do you see the company in a few years?
  • What problems is the business solving?
  • How would you like to impact the lives of the community and those around you?

Creating a long-term strategy is an important step in inventing a company logo, as it increases the chances that your brand will stay with the logo for a long time.

2. Discover Logos for Inspiration

Now that you’ve determined the brand’s values and created a long-term strategy, you can start imagining what the logo will look like in real life. The best way to start is to look at as many other logos as possible. Explore the logos of competitors and companies that are interesting, take notes, and save them (in your mind or on your computer). You could also spend some time analyzing the logos you don’t find appealing to figure out why they aren’t attractive.

3. Explore the Basics of Form, Color, and Type

Making a good logo doesn’t always require professional designer skills. One can easily do it by using an online logo maker. Some of the most well-known companies’ logos are so simple they could’ve been done by a university student (it doesn’t mean they were, though). Hopefully, after getting inspiration from other designs, you are now able to create something of your own. But first, we recommend doing at least some research on the basics: colors, shapes, fonts, perception, and anything that could aid in creating a logo.

4. Create a Mood Board

By now, you must be restless to start visualizing a potential logo, either on paper or using technology. But don’t rush! First, be sure to create a few associations and write down several ideas that will help you keep on track in the process of designing. A good way to put your ideas in one place and structure them is a mood board.

Consider a few things you could add to the mood board:

  • Colors useful in conveying your brand’s identity (color scheme)
  • A few preferred shapes that might help in brand representation (circles, rectangles, etc.)
  • Fonts that will “speak” to the audience
  • Any other elements that might help to build an integral identity

5. Design the Logo Itself!

The time has now come; let your imagination be free and get to designing! Feel free to entrust the logo design process to a brand logo generator and create a logo online. You can ask specialists for help or create the logo yourself – it’s up to you!

Make sure to follow your instinct and knowledge of the business to make that decision: only you know what is best. But always remember that the quality of your logo portrays the value of your brand.


You might be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work you need to do before creating the logo. But don’t worry – it’s not as hard once you actually get to it. The key is to get started. If you’ve completed all the steps, your brand will end up with a quality and attractive logo that reflects your values and beliefs.

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