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Analyzing Your Natal Chart: Workbook

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📘 Analyzing Your Natal Chart: Workbook-Ebook
🌟 Overview
Unlock the mysteries of your birth chart with our comprehensive digital ebook workbook, “Analyzing Your Natal Chart.” Dive deep into the celestial influences that shape your personality, emotions, and life path. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned astrology enthusiasts!

📏 Specifications:
Pages: 98
Size: 8.5 x 11 inches
Format: Digital ebook

📖 What’s Inside?
Explore each aspect of your astrological profile through detailed explanations and interactive activities:

☀️ Sun Sign: Core identity and self-expression
🌙 Moon Sign: Emotional needs and inner world
🌄 Ascendant (Rising Sign): Outward behavior and first impressions
💬 Mercury Sign: Communication and thought processes
❤️ Venus Sign: Love, relationships, and values
🔥 Mars Sign: Drive, ambition, and energy
🍀 Jupiter Sign: Beliefs, growth, and luck
🪐 Saturn Sign: Responsibility, discipline, and challenges
⚡ Uranus Sign: Individuality and change
🌌 Neptune Sign: Imagination and spirituality
🔮 Pluto Sign: Power and transformation
🚀 North Node: Life purpose and direction
🛤️ South Node: Past habits and comfort zones
🏠 Houses: Areas of life influenced by each sign
🔗 Aspects: Interactions between planets
👑 Chart Ruler: The dominant influence in your chart
🔄 Synthesis: Integrating the elements of your chart
📝 Interactive Activities
Engage with your chart through hands-on activities designed to deepen your understanding and personal growth.

📚 Glossary
A comprehensive glossary of astrological terms to support your learning journey.

🌐 Perfect For:
Astrology enthusiasts looking to deepen their knowledge.
Beginners wanting to explore their natal charts.
Individuals seeking a structured, interactive approach to astrology.
📥 Instant Download
Get immediate access to your digital workbook and start your astrological journey today!

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5.0 1 Avis
Wendy Clark

June 12, 2024

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Analyzing Your Natal Chart: Workbook
Analyzing Your Natal Chart: Workbook