Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Sapphire Gemstone Digital Pattern Papers

À propos de Sapphire Gemstone Digital Pattern Papers graphique

9X Ajouté(s) à mes favoris

In the digital pack you will receive:
10 pattern papers
2000 × 2000 pixels

These can be used within junk journals, scrapbooking, gift wrap, tags, pockets, envelopes, cards, card toppers, decoupage and many more paper crafts!

Thank you so much for looking!

If you have any questions about the products, please feel free to message me directly and I will get back to you asap! Thank you so much for looking!

Please check my store information for further details or feel free to message me directly.
My work is a blend of hand drawn illustrations, mixed media, found imagery, generated elements, and digitally enhanced visuals 💛

MacOSX files are included in the zip file. If you are a Windows user, please do not use the version with “._” in front of the product title. It may look like some files are missing, but I can assure you these are just extra metadata used by Mac users. If it seems that some files look missing, it is always best to check the zip file contents to the description for the product to make sure. Any questions please contact me via my social media links or (if the option is available) direct message.

© Copyright Emily Designs
All rights reserved

* Please DO NOT re-sell these products as is in digital or in physical format (in anyway that would compete with the original product)
* Please DO NOT re-sell my packs in digital format, changing wording / thumbnails etc
* Please DO NOT re-sell my packs in book format / or combined with other packs in book or digital format.
Please refer to the POD licence and Digital End Product Licence for further information

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Sapphire Gemstone Digital Pattern Papers
Sapphire Gemstone Digital Pattern Papers