Creative Fabrica
Creative FabricaCréez

Cats Ressources pour les Loisirs Créatifs

Cat lovers, you have found heaven! This crafting category is filled with cute, funny and plain silly cat designs. You will find a lot of entertaining cat-related quotes and rhymes, as well as graphics of cats doing all kinds of random things. If your project needs a kitty image, be sure that you will find it here.

The quotes are good mixture of funny and heartwarming, with several designs of the old “crazy cat lady” joke and some for the cat moms out there. The graphics vary from designs made with kids in mind to quirkier ideas like hipster cats, yoga cats and even ballerina cats. You definitely won’t be bored with these cat clipart files.

To top it all, the category offers cats to go with your Halloween craft ideas, awesome zentangle designs and some monogram frames.

You can use the craft files for the following projects: t-shirts, mugs, tote bags, phone cases, cushions, greeting cards, decorations or as part of a birthday present for your cat-obsessed friends.

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