Creative Fabrica

POD 101: 3 Ways to Print on Demand

Pontuação 5.0 baseada em 23 avaliações

O que você vai aprender

Print on demand has been a growing business venture for many creative people- selling their unique designs on countless items. This model allows you to sell products you designed- but do not need to order in advance, or stock up on them, as a third party will do all the work for you! There are three main "ways" to POD- using a marketplace supplier, integrating a supplier with your own shop, or using a supplier with a shop on a marketplace. In this class, Maya will go over these 3 methods, talk about their pros and cons, so you can decide which of these options is better suited for you!


5.0 23 Avaliações
Crystal Schlossberg

March 24, 2024

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Great lesson that gave me a lot to think about! Loved the pros and cons of each method that really makes you think about what is best for you.

Melanie Tudor

January 16, 2024

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Very good, honest, informative and definately food for thought.

Juana Ortiz

January 16, 2024

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Excellent ;)

C. Smart

January 14, 2024

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Excellent class. Very informative and easy to understand. I love the honesty. Most people (you tube) just talk about the good side of it. This class should be the first thing people are told about POD, it would save them a lot of time!

Mary collins

October 17, 2023

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Good information, excellent instruction

Melissa Ballard

September 28, 2023

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Absolutely LOVE this course. Full of a LOT of helpful information and things to truly think about. Wonderful! Highly recommend this for all.

Chloe G

August 22, 2023

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Thank you so much for this, definitely gave me a lot of help that I struggled to find advice for online.

K.C. Karellas

July 10, 2023

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I took tons of notes & learned a great deal. Now onto the next class. So excited to start!

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Listed on Mar 20, 2022 - ID 27422524
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Essa aula possui 7 sessões (39m)

Visualização da aula

Conheça Maya e veja o que esperar desta aula de impressão sob demanda.

Introdução ao POD (impressão sob demanda)

O que é impressão sob demanda (POD) e como você pode vender seus designs on-line?

Produtos POD

Existem tantos produtos que você pode vender, aqui estão algumas idéias para fazer seu cérebro fluir.

Método #1 - Fornecedores do Marketplace

Saiba como começar a vender em plataformas como RedBubble, Soicety6, Zazzle, Teepublic, Art of Where e muito mais - que são a frente da loja e o fornecedor.

Método #2 - Sua loja e o fornecedor

Montando sua própria loja (no Shopify/WooCommerce) e conectando-a a um fornecedor externo para vender seus designs.

Método #3 - Fornecedor externo e mercado

Combinando o poder de um mercado como o Etsy, para configurar sua loja de impressão sob demanda com fornecedores externos.

Conclusão e dicas

Então, qual opção é melhor para você? Como você escolhe? Maya vai te ajudar nesse processo, e ela também vai te dar algumas dicas que são válidas - não importa qual plataforma você escolheu!

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Maya Mey Aroyo

  • 814 Seguidores
  • 5 Classes

Hey everyone, I'm Mey and I teach creative people how to sell their art online. I love making tutorials about print on demand, selling printables, design, and marketing.

Loja do designer:
POD 101: 3 Ways to Print on Demand